welcome to...alaska? oh wait, i guess that's seattle!

like a normal rockwell painting...and yes, it was
THAT good, and i got to stay there!

baby it's COOOOOLLLD outside!

the sky and the trees looked BEYOND amazing! what a winter wonderland!

a latte love...

and a little momma's boy

rockin' out at red robin

headed to 7 brides at the 5th avenue theatre in seattle on christmas adam! YAY!

the stockings were hung by the chimney with care...

with hopes that st. nicholas soon would be there!


a common pose for my photogenic faja

let there be peace on earth! [[and let it begin with me!!]]

the reason we celebrate

family christmas 2008

"shout, o ISRAEL!"

king steve

zac with his new x-box 360 and the jacket zac bought for rach

we popped open our crackers and played in an amazing symphony together!

da moshe with mom and rach

they wanted to play scrabble with me!!

lots of fun!!

on the way to a movie show on christmas abel!

[["c'mon people..."]]

mom and her boy @ a bball game

so excited to see zac play!

nice shot!

cheesin' it at the game

me makin latte's as usual!

do you think we match our baby pictures?

zac is so proud that he can stand in the back now!!

galloping gertie

space needle!!

a new year has come!

Praise the LORD
Hey! My sisters, mom and I went to see 7th Brides the day after Christmas!! It was awesome, yes?
yes it was!! too much fun. glad i got to see you, even if briefly!
You, coming home for Christmas was Norman Rockwellian! When we saw the lights of Dad's truck come down our driveway with you in the truck....it was like my best Christmas homecoming memory ever!! God gave His precious son as a gift to all mankind and then on top of that He blessed me with you, Rachie and Zac! Totally above and beyond!! Of course that includes my Stever too!! I was specifically thinking of children right then. I love how you post our life for us! Thanks!
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