
Still Singing

"When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure" -peter marshall

I know that I haven't shared a whole lot of this problem, this tragedy in my life, but I do that to protect those I love. When the time is right I will share. It seems to me at this point in my life that there isn't a whole lot to report. But at the same time, there is so much to share, because God is working, ALWAYS!

Adoption seems like a distant memory in light of all that is happening right now. God has given me a passion for children, for Ethiopia, and that will NEVER go away. However, I do know that this is not the time for me to adopt. I plan to still volunteer with our adoption agency, and perhaps in the Hannah's Hope orphanage in Ethiopia if I can. It hurts my heart that I can't adopt right now, but I know God is in control, and this is what is best for me.

There are things going on in my life that I don't understand at all, and that break my heart. I know that I can always trust God's heart, even when I don't understand why things are happening. It's really stormy here right now, but even though God is allowing the storm to rage, He holds the power to calm it. He is simply allowing the wind and the rain to blow things away and reveal issues in my heart.

The only reason I have been able to carry on these last few months is God. He is walking this beside me, and even when I fall He is there to pick me up and carry me. He is FAITHFUL!!

God has given me a future and a hope, and I KNOW that all things work together for good for those who love Him and walk according to His Word. THAT'S why I'm still singing!

thank you for lifting me up in prayer!


Bekah said...

Love you Sarah. I will continue to be praying for you!

Michael and Michelle said...

I am so glad you posted something. I was wondering where you were.
I will remember to pray for you!


T & K said...

It's so good to hear from you again! I miss checking your blog and hearing the music!

Gaye said...

Because of His love for us, I'm singing right along with ya, kid! My heart hurts for you beyond words, but it also rejoices in what God's doing in and through you during this time. I can't believe that joy and pain can be so intimately acquainted, but it's true! God really rewards obedience with His joy! Amazing Grace!

Anonymous said...

oh sar...i love you soooo much!!! All of this is tearing my heart but that fact that you are leaning on God warms my heart. You know that i am always praying for you and am looking forward to seeing you soon!!! Love you,amy