

thank God for saving a wretched sinner like me.

thank God for His mercies that are new every day.

thank God for showing Himself through the body of Christ.

thank God for the comfort and instruction of His Word. it does NOT return void!

thank God for bearing my burdens. i cannot walk alone.

thank YOU for praying for me.


bean said...

still praying with no plans of stopping. :)

Gaye said...

like you said, kid....
sometimes God calms the storm
sometimes God lets the storm rage, but calms His child!!
Safe in the "eye" of the Father!

Joan Dabrowski said...

I just read 2Cor chapter 1 and thought of you. I hope you have time to read it today! I left you a message on facebook - let me know about the camera. In continued prayer and much love for you-

Jen said...

I briefly talked with your grandma on Sunday at church and she just asked to pray pray pray. Don't give up. Even in the deepest moment when you think your going to loose it, only then with God teach you the greatest gift.....of His mercy and peace.
we are praying every single time God puts you in my heart.
we love ya.