
sometimes i wonder how i can get so down about things even when i know what is right and true.

i am definately there right now. my eyes are downcast and my soul is weary and broken. my heart feels like it's been abused till it's about to fall apart. everything makes me sad, makes me cry. nothing really appeals to me except escaping from this suddenly hellish world i am trapped in.

all i can say is it's a good thing that God is for me.


Rachel Israel said...

I'm so sorry, Bear. I wish I could fix it for you! I'm really glad I get to see you soon. I'm counting the days.


Gaye said...

Hey Sar,

I just got done writing a novel to you on this and it wouldn't let me leave it! So I'll summarize what I wrote!
I hurt for you more than words can express! My love is as immense for you as it can possibly be. All of that can't come close to helping you through this, though. It makes me crazy! The one thing I do know, though is that God's LOVE is stronger than death.sin.evil. HE IS WITH YOU in this!! Walk in His light, that's where theres's no darkness at all!!

bean said...

even though i haven't experienced pain like you are having right now, i have felt similar despair while being really sick with the last two babes. have i given you the spurgeon sermon about rejoicing in heaviness? it is awesome...it won't change the heaviness, but it's still really encouraging. let me know, i can send it to you. i love you!!!


sar said...

hey mo,

i haven't heard the message, but would love to! i always appreciate the encouragement!

love you too