She was born on August 15th @ 1lb. 4oz. and was 12 inches long.
She's BEAUTIFUL but a little wrinkly since she was only about half baked. :D Yep, she was born about 17 weeks too soon. The doctors said there was LESS than 5% chance that she would make it...
But look! Almost one month old, and she's opening those pretty little eyes and looking around!
Grace was a trooper and toughed out more surgeries in her first few months than most do in their whole lives! Still a little small to play with her beany baby, though!
Look, five months old and she's happy at HOME!
getting bigger...
and bigger...
and bigger...
and BIGGER...
Finally big enough to play with that beanie baby!!
Grace's twin sister was born two days after her on August 17th. She weighed in one once less than Grace @ 1lb. 3oz. and matched her big sister in height, 12 inches long.
So tiny that Mom's ring fit on her arm!
But look at her grow!
Faith getting bigger and oh-so-smiley!
Now big enough for the exersaucer...
and the big girl carseat...
and of course big enough to keep up with her smile!
sleepy girl
and right after naptime...
she keeps on growing and keeps getting cuter and CUTER!
gotta keep up with big sister!
just chillin'
I was thrilled to meet Faith! So sweet, so loveable, so kissable!!
Poor Faith didn't feel good last weekend :(
but still there's always a smile on this beautiful baby!
These two sweet girls and their family have been through SO many trials, yet they praise God no matter what! It is so evident to me that God is working in and thru them.
Look at these sweet miracles!
I love to watch them grow and become healthier and healthier!
and bigger...
and sweeter...
and cuter...
and funnier...
and more loveable each day! 
I loved visiting Grace and Faith and their mommy and daddy!
Praying for you every day, and I'm so glad God brought you into my life!!

[[Remember the one that used to dwarf her?]]
I finally got to meet little Gracie and her family! I have been praying for and talking to this sweet family since the time they were praying to get pregnant. I only knew them by name...they attend my grandma's church and Jen was my grandma's prayer partner. It was amazing to meet them and spend the afternoon at their house...they are an absolute blessing! Their faith is an awesome testimony and it blows me away to see how they trust God no matter what!
look at her now...
[[Aren't you glad that God doesn't work on percentages?? ]]
ooooh yes, i'd also like to introduce to you:

These two sweet girls and their family have been through SO many trials, yet they praise God no matter what! It is so evident to me that God is working in and thru them.

if you'd like to read their complete story, i have a link to their blog [[grace & faith]]
Truly amazing Grace and indescribable Faith! Thank God for the miracle of their lives and their parents too! I thank God for my precious blessing of YOU!
what an amazing story ... i have goosebumps ... and one a red head (that will be a fun road) ... thanks for sharing ... i will be praying about your journey to Ethiopia ... So pray we will follow you soon ... thanks for stopping by my blog !!!
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