every penny counts!
thank you to kellie, kenny & phil for helping me fill these up so far!!

this may seem to some a slow way to raise money for our baby, but we are confident that God will provide and multiply our funds for His glory!
back on the home front...
thanks to my family, who has already filled up two whole bottles!
thanks to my grandma, to dianne, & all others who so graciously are filling up bottles with their spare change!
a BIG thanks to debi wark, my grandma's friend from church who i have NEVER met, who sent back the bottle with not just change, but a check! WOW!
thanks to the HFG who contributes each friday night.
also to all my grace family back home who has helped them by donating each sunday!
What a fun idea...
When we were going through the financial part of adoption, we applied for grants. The one we received was Life International... which they are a matching grant. So you raise funds (which I said I would never do) and they match up to a certain amount. You should look into that as well. Not sure what your situation is.
We felt called to adopt and are on a very limited income. But we felt so strongly about it. So we took a step of faith and the LORD PROVIDED! every single penny was paid for! We paid some but were given the rest. It was such a STORY FOR HIS GLORY!
Best wishes!
Tracie in TN
You are so amazing. Your walk for the Lord and faithfulness to be apart of so many people struggling.
Thank you so much for creating this blog for us to get to know you both. We have felt for some time know you all know our family and experiences but we havn't had the same opportunity until now.
I have been praying for you every morning and will continue to pray God opens and closes appropiate doors.
Filling bottles to raise money for your trip. Amazing! We're on our way to help.
I just want you to know we havn't forgotten you, your graciousness, your love or friendship. And we love you my sister in Christ.
God Bless
YEs, you can list my blog... if you would just label it "the A Team"
We are just trying to be a bit more ambiguous with personal information. Thanks :-)
@Hey kid!
I'm praying for you and our little one {or ones} in Ethiopia many times every day! I can't wait to watch you and Mark be parents. You will change this world....you already are with just being YOU and loving God with your life. I'm so thankful that our amazingly gracious Father carries us daily and will continue to carry us in the future! Truly...I can't keep from singing His praise!!
So blessed to be...
Your Mama
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