after mark & i got married in 2004 i thought, "wish granted!" but that didn't happen. about 9 months after we got married i was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome [[PCOS]] but then another year after that another doctor told me he really doubted that diagnosis due to my bloodwork & other tests. YAY, so there was no reason for me not to get pregnant!
four years later i have still not had babies, and no one know why? but i have a hunch God does! and personally, i think it is because he has given me a heart and a LOVE for adoption!
we have been exploring the possibility of adoption for several years now, and even if we were to have our own children we wanted to adopt anyway. lately it has become, "we ARE adoptiong" rather than "we're thinking about it."
we actually applied with Wide Horizons for Children last fall, but recently we feel God led us to All God's Children International. It is a Christian agency & we already feel very comfortable with them and are very excited for this amazing process!
we need to complete lots of paperwork, raise lots of $$$$$, but most of all, we need LOTS of prayer.
prayer for our dependance on GOD
prayer for our baby [[someone is carrying he or she or them right now!]]
prayer for funds
prayer for so many children who have no family and no home
prayer that God will us & this whole situation for HIS glory
we can't wait to meet our baby!
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